Public API Documentation > Resources > Fairs

Fairs API

An art fair is an event to which partners bring shows with artworks.

Retrieving Fairs

Retrieve fairs by following the fairs link from root.

curl -v "" -H "X-XAPP-Token: XAPP_TOKEN"

This endpoint accepts the following parameters.

Name Value
status One of 'running', 'closed', 'upcoming' or 'current'.

The response is a paginated result with embedded fairs.

Retrieving a Fair

Users can retrieve a specific fair by ID by rendering the "fair" link template from root.

curl -v "{id}" -H "X-XAPP-Token: XAPP_TOKEN"

Fair JSON Format

error: the server responded with status 404


Key Target
self The fair resource.
shows Fair shows.


  "id": "543865d4726169329c350300",
  "created_at": "2014-10-10T23:03:48+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2025-02-11T09:31:59+00:00",
  "name": "Zona MACO 2015",
  "about": "**Zsona MACO 2015**  \n\nZsona Maco is one of the most highly anticipated fairs for contemporary art from Latin America.  \n\nThe fair takes place in Mexico City from February 4-8, 2015 and celebrates local and international collectors, specialists, and galleries. Founded by Zélika García in 2002, Zsona Maco has established itself as one of the most notable art world events for the sale, exhibition and promotion of international contemporary art in the region.  \n\nThe fair includes five sections -- General, New Proposals, Zsona Maco South, Modern Art and Design -- selected by an international committee of renowned curators and specialists curators.  \n\n[**BUY TICKETS HERE**]  \n\n[**General Admission**]( and [**Student + Child**](\n\n---  \n\nZsona Maco, la feria de arte contemporáneo más importante de América Latina, concentra cada año en la Ciudad de México a coleccionistas, especialistas y galerías de todas partes del mundo.  \n\nFundada por Zélika García en 2002, Zona Maco se ha consolidado como una de las plataformas más notables para venta, exposición y promoción del arte contemporáneo internacional de esta región.  \n\nAnualmente la feria ofrece en sus cinco secciones: General, Nuevas Propuestas, Zsona Maco Sur, Arte Moderno y Diseño, las propuestas de más de cien galerías, editoriales e instituciones culturales; invitadas a través de un proceso de selección a cargo de un comité internacional, conformado por reconocidos galeristas y curadores especialistas de cada sección.\n\n**COMPRA TUS BOLETOS EN LINEA**  \n\n[**General Admission**]( and [**Student + Child Admission**](\n\n",
  "contact": "Zsona MACO  \nMéxico Arte Contemporáneo  \nLuis G. Urbina 4 int. 104  \nMéxico D.F. C.P. 11560  \nT. + 52 (55) 5280 6073  \nF. + 52 (55) 5280 8247  \n\n\n**[email protected]**",
  "summary": "",
  "start_at": "2015-02-04T12:00:00+00:00",
  "end_at": "2015-02-08T20:00:00+00:00",
  "status": "closed",
  "published": true,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "shows": {
      "href": ""